About us

Enterprises generally refer to legal persons or other socioeconomic organizations that use various factors of production (land, labor, capital, technology and entrepreneurship) to provide goods or services to the market for profit, and operate independently, bear their own profits and losses, and account independently.

Within the scope of commodity economy, as one of the various modes of organizational unit, according to certain organizational rules, economic entities that are organically constituted generally aim at making profits, with the mission of maximizing the interests of investors, customers, employees and the general public as well as gaining income by providing products or services. It is the product of social development, growing and growing with the development of social division of labor. Enterprises are the main participants in market economic activities. Under the socialist economic system, various enterprises coexist to form the micro-foundation of the socialist market economy. There are three basic forms of organization in enterprises: sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation. Corporate enterprise is the most important and typical form of organization in modern enterprises.

Modern economic theory holds that enterprises are essentially "a mechanism of resource allocation", which can optimize the allocation of social and economic resources and reduce the "transaction costs" of the whole society.